What was the first Computer?

The EDSAC computer (Electronic Delay Storage Automatic Computer) circa 1949

Development of what we know as a computer 

Everyone today can use a computer, I can't even do my school work without one. It wasn't always like this though. When Computers first came out it took a "very patient genius" to use. These early computers used punch cards to program, something that would require a license to operate. When the first ENIAC (Electrical Numerical Integrator and Calculator) used around 18,000 vacuum tubes. These large arrays of vacuum tubes would take up about 1,800 square feet, and lots for cooling. 

Modern Day Vacuum Tubes
Vacuum tubes are electrical components that keep electrodes (something conductive) in a vacuum to allow the control of electrical flow, and amplification. PC mag has a much better explanation of what a vacuum tube does.

In the 1950s two advancements in technology would allow for smaller computers, as well as more programmability. The transistor was a smaller more usable version of what a vacuum tube does. The only issue with transistors was that they all need to be soldered together creating a very fragile object. It wasn't until Jack St. Clair created the integrated circuit board in 1958 that this problem was solved. These integrated circuits were just transistors that were connected when they were manufactured, meaning soldering was no longer needed.  Integrated circuits allowed for smaller and faster computers, due to the electrons not having to travel as far.

The 1960s saw a boom of computers being used, mainly in military and space programs. Due to the size and complicated directions, these computers were being used by more trained personnel. IBM was the market leader for these large, expensive, error-prone machines. 

It wasn't 1977 that the world would see its first successfully mass-produced home computer, the Apple II. We all know and love Apple for the technology they have brought us, as they keep pushing innovation to the limit. Yet in 1984 is when they first released the Macintosh, the first computer to have a graphical user interface (GUI) and mouse (essentially the first with a screen).

At this point that brings us to about now, I know it seems like a jump but we continue to advance a push technology so rapidly it's hard to keep track. In the past 100 years, we have made more advancements in technology than in the rest of history.  It's impressive what people have been able to do with some dirt and trees. 

Impact of the Computer

So why were computers made? Why spend so much time and money on something so complex that it took years to develop where we are? Simple, it does tasks that would take the human brain years to complete. Without computers, we would have never been able to make it to the moon, and the calculations needed would have taken too long to complete. This is why computers were made. 

Nowadays computers are used for a multitude of reasons, I'm using mine to right this blog. People spend hours of their days looking at the screens of these amazing machines. Just doing the simple tasks of life computer has become necessary. It's no wonder so many people spent the time to advance this technology to where it is today.


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