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My Relationship with Technology (Final Post)

  a Technology... the Good and the Bad Why do you use technology? Some people might say they use it for work or to stay in touch with their family. These are great examples of using technology in the way their inventors imagined. Yet, so many wrong ways technology has begun to be used in modern times. Terrorism has already started to utilize it to help their plan. At the same time, law enforcement can violate privacy rights to "protect" citizens. I don't want to sound like I don't enjoy technology; it's the opposite for me. My job requires me to stay up to date with new technology coming out. Media production could not be where it is today without the advancement of technology. My goal of this post is to not deter you from using it but rather to have a safer relationship with tech. The Bad I know I put the good first in the heading, but it sounded better. So here we are with the bad. Though there is military technology advancement in the U.S, it also means the peo

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