My five news sources


With my current internship as a development production intern, I surprisingly look at some specific news sources daily. It is my job to constantly look for stories that we want to produce and turn into some form of an unscripted feature. Th

ough my company mainly deals with sports I find it helpful and enjoy learning about what is happening in the rest of the world. I always make sure to spend time on world news along with sports. To me, it is important every person should be able to have an educated talk about what's going on in the world.

I imagine that it is no surprise as for many other men, that ESPN is the first place I get my sports news from. As being the top sports network for many years, it makes sense that I would go and look for any interesting articles or profiles of athletes. ESPN has a constant stream of live sports and updated news articles to keep any person entertained, a must in a new content-hungry society. If you care about sports there is no doubt in my mind that you already have the ESPN app and get updates about your teams. 

Another great way I keep up with breaking news is with Twitter. I make sure to take everything I see on Twitter with a grain of salt, this is because anyone or anything can say/makeup whatever they want. This really can become a problem when you don't take the time to fact-check or look for other sources to compare the information. I personally use Twitter almost like another search engine, it allows me to find multiple sources for the same story, and allows me to craft and develop my own opinion. 

Along with Twitter, I use Reddit almost as a place to find more information about the stories that matter to me. Reddit works in the fact you get to join communities based on interest, and there's a community for just about everything. I personally enjoy the fact that it allows me to connect with others about my unique or different hobbies and interest. With so many subreddits, you are bound to find just what you're looking for; and if you don't you can just create yourself and start your own.

Just like any normal human I like to know what the weather is so that I don't end up in the wrong outfit. There could possibly be other sources for the weather like cable news, yet why would you not go to The Weather Channel. It's literally only there to give you the most accurate and up-to-date information on the weather. Unlike other news sources, they stick to what they know and do it unbelievably well. There's not much more to say about it.

My final news source is probably not something many people my age watch. CBS News Sunday Morning is more than a news show for me. It comes with a tradition and means that I get to spend time with my mom. Every Sunday for as long as I can remember my mom and I would get up and turn on Sunday Morning. It's a different type of news show; they don't just show you the bad, they show you humanity. As a show that has been running for 26 years, it has to be doing something right! If you have never watched it, I can't recommend it enough. My personal favorite segment is when they have Jim Gaffigan on, and he talks about his crazy family. 

I know I have some non-traditional news sources. Though I think as technology advances these sources are going to continue to change. Just as I age and what I feel is important changes too. I hope you spend the time to check some of these places out as I might give you a different perspective on life and what you normally see. 


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